Revitalize Soil, Maximizing Yields

Our Vision

A future where soil revitalization, environmental sustainability, and agricultural productivity are harmoniously integrated to support thriving farming communities in Rubavu, Rwanda.

Our Mission

To enhance soil revitalization, prevent deforestation, and boost agricultural productivity by producing high-quality vermicompost (organic fertilizer) and providing certified Irish potato seeds to farmers.

Driving Positive Change on Agriculture and the Environment

Hand in Hand for Sustainable Agriculture (HIHSA) Ltd is dedicated to enhancing soil revitalization, preventing deforestation, and boosting agricultural productivity. It achieves these goals by providing vermicompost (organic fertilizer) and certified Irish potato seeds to farmers. Additionally, HIHSA assists smallholder farmers with planting adaptable fruit trees on their croplands and collaborates with development partners to plant trees in areas damaged by mining activities, as well as in areas prone to floods and erosion. Furthermore, the organization offers vegetable greenhouses, inputs, and best practice training to vulnerable young single mothers, supporting them in becoming self-reliant.

Let's Work Together for a Healthier Planet and Prosperous Agriculture!

Our Products and Services

Vermicompost (organic fertilizers

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Our vermicompost enriches soil fertility, enhances plant growth, and boosts crop yields while promoting sustainable farming practices. Ideal for farmers and gardeners seeking a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers, our vermicompost is your key to a greener future.

Certified Irish potato Seeds

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Our certified Irish potato seeds, grown using advanced aeroponic technology. Our high-quality seeds promise enhanced yields, disease resistance, and adaptability to diverse climates, ensuring sustainable farming success. Embrace efficiency and innovation—choose our aeroponic Irish potato seeds for your next crop.


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We collaborate with development partners and smallholders to plant and maintain adaptable fruit trees. We are fostering sustainable agriculture and enhancing local ecosystems. Join us in cultivating a greener future through strategic partnerships and innovative agroforestry.

Land restoration.

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We rejuvenate damaged land, turning degraded areas into thriving ecosystems. Join us in our commitment to heal and transform the environment for future generations.

Vegetable greenhouses

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We equip young single mothers, dropout schoolgirls, and vulnerable women, many of whom are street vendors, with greenhouses and agricultural skills. This initiative enhances their economic independence and enables them to source products for their businesses, fostering sustainable livelihoods and community resilience. Join us in transforming lives for a prosperous future.

Our Impact to environment and society

Through innovative organic farming techniques, our efforts sustainably revitalize the soil, restore land, and empower young mothers, school dropouts, and vulnerable women, resulting in long-lasting benefits for the environment and society.

Agricultural Yield Increment Rate
0 %
Hectares Restored
Trees Grown
Tree Survival Rate
0 %
Vulnerable women supported
Smallholder farmers to benefit


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Before joining Hand In Hand for Sustainable Agriculture, finding daily wage employment was a challenge. Sometimes, I would spend an entire month without work, which severely impacted the well-being of my family and me. Fortunately, I found an opportunity with this company, working daily in the vermicomposting process. This job has provided me with the financial stability to feed my family, pay for Mutuelle de Santé (medical insurance), purchase clothing for my family and myself, and meet other basic needs.

Masengesho Antoinette

HIHSA worker

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As a smallholder farmer, I was heavily dependent on costly chemical fertilizers, which over time depleted my soil’s health, making it difficult to achieve good yields without continuous application. However, since using vermicompost from HIHSA, I’ve seen a significant improvement in my crop yields. I fervently hope that many more farmers can benefit from this sustainable solution

Nyirabavakure Vestine

Smallholder farmer


I was among the street vendors who sourced agricultural products on credit and sold them locally and in the DRC, facing the risk of losing my products and being imprisoned within my own country. Additionally, there were high risks of being robbed, encountering gender-based violence, imprisonment, and in extreme cases, death while in the DRC. I was also afraid that I might be coerced into joining rebel groups in the DRC due to my youth and vulnerability.

With the help of HIHSA, many of my colleagues and I are now earning daily wages to cover our bills, including sourcing products from our vegetable greenhouses at reasonable prices and trading them formally. We were also provided financial literacy training and are now saving and using loans from our VSLAs.

Nyirabitaro Dativa

former street vendor